Sunday, July 14, 2013

Trayvon Martin Text Messages of Violence, Guns, buying and selling Drugs

George Zimmerman was found "NOT GUILTY" of murdering Miami Gardens teen, Trayvon Martin.  This means if Trayvon were alive, he would have been charged with felony assault.  The media continues to portray Trayvon as the little boy who was killed by a vigilante wannabe cop.  Nothing is going to stop them, not even, apparently, the truth.  Below are the texts from Trayvon Martin's phone in the three months prior to his death.  As you can see,  he was not a little boy, nor was he "innocent".

Furthermore, one of the people he texting to (below) about guns is his father, Tracy Martin, aka "Fruit".  The Conservative Treehouse has more on that.  The race-baiters say Trayvon's text messages show he was just a normal teen.  I say my child would not have been walking around with a pocketful of money and a cell phone without supervision, while on a 10 day suspension.  That's just me.  If PDF does not load, click this link.